After further discussion, the Commission:

a. Approved, as revised, a letter to the President
as set forth in AEC 944/4, regarding Operation PILGRIM;
b. Approved, as revised, a press release as contained

in AEC 944/74 regarding Operation PILGRIm,;

c. Noted that draft letters to the JCAE and the
Nevada Congressmen similar to those in Appendices
**I"and ‘'J'’, respectively, ef AEC 944, as revised,
will be prepared.


AEC 761/52 - Release of Operations Evaluations Group Study

561 to the U.K, and Canada

Mr, Strauss referred to a letter to the President from the
Chairman of the JCAE concerning the transfer of classified,
military information to the U.K. and Canada, and suggested that

AEC 781/52 be deferred until the questions raised by this letter

have been resolved. Mr, Strauss said he hoped this wouldbe
accomplished within the next two weeks, Mr, murray questioned
the need for transmitting information on the sine, weight and yield
of certain weapons as proposed in AEC 781/52 and suggested that
this matter be discussed when the paper is reconsidered. The
Commissioners then agreed to defer further discussion of
AEC 781/52,


AEC 127/13 - Acquisition of Florida Manufacturing Plant
After discussion, the Commission:
a, Adopted the following resolution:
**After consideration of a report by the
Division of Military Application and discussion
with the staff, it is rescived:
- 788 -

Select target paragraph3