will not exceed 3.9 roentgens, General Starbird pointed cut that
unforeseen weazzer changes make it impossible to guarantee thet
fallout will not result in an exposure level exceeding 3.9 voemvigess.
My, waurrcy said he believed thai this ievel need not be passed

since testing could 5¢ halted before the 3.9 levelis reached. In
answer to a question by ur. Strauss, Dr, Dunning said it would
be possible to exceed the 3.9 roentgens exposure level with fail-

out from a single shot, Mr, Strauss said he would cppese making
any public statement on the fallout level for Operation PILGRIM

which the Commission could not guarantee.

Mr, ,swurray then suggesied that his proposed language

not be included in the press release, but rather that it be
inserted in the staff paper on Operation PILGRIm (See AEC 944/2).
General Starbird pointed out that the staff paper concerning radiclogical criteria for Operation PILGRImis AEC 141/33 - Radiological Criteria for the Nevada Test Site, wir, ucCool said that

at meeting 1246 on November 14, 1956, the Commission had

approved the radiological safety criteria for gammma radiation

set forth in paragrapa 3 of AEC 141/33 with the understanding that
Vr, Libby might establish the ten year limit at a lower level

chan the 10 roentgens referred to in paragraph 3b cf AEC 141/33.
vr, Libby then stated that the ten year limit for radiation
2xposure should be 10 roentgens.

Mr, murray suggested that sub-paragraph 3a of AEC 141/33,
vhich states as the exposure limitation '‘, .. 3.9 roentgens for any
one year;'’ be revised to read ‘', .. 3.9 roentgens for the anticipated
est series,'' The Commissioners agreed to this revision of their
xrevious decision on AEC 141/33.
The Commissioners also agreed to delete from the press
elease the reference to limiting fallout from Operation PILGRIM
‘o that exposures will not exceed 3.9 roentgens. The staff was
equested to prepare a draft response to any inquiries received
oncerning the consistency of AEC exposure criteria for
peration PILGRIw with the exposure criteria recommended
y the National Academy of Sciences for the total population
f£ the U.S,
~ 787 -

Select target paragraph3