radar, there were also wide angle fixed cameras and it was also planned
to back up these measurements with measurements from the C130's that
had been procured for the sea-based operation.

Sandia produced in this

time a distance measuring system (DME) operating in the CI130's using a
beacon in the drop cases.

The time interval measuring gear by all

methods was installed both underground and in the CI30's.

it, the LASL KCI35, tail


136 yprocured and

When scheduling
instrumented for

observation of the high altitude shots, was also flown at great ranges
against the air drop detonations as a further back up.

This is perhaps

time to mention the difficulty with the tracking radar.

Several of us,

(certainly myself) felt very strongly that the tracking information on the
position of the drop B52 should be available in real time at the control
point of the island.

This feeling came about not only because of the

previous experience with air drops in Nevada, but, specifically, because of
the experience of the Cherokee shot on Bikini
missed the target by some 5 miles.

in which the Air Force had

Our closest-—in observation points for

the Christmas Island detonations were a distance similar to that and
part of the planned orbit of the drop aircraft went fairly close to being
over manned stations.
at all times.


| wanted to know where the airplane was

The Air Force, however, wel represented by”Black SamSamuels,

felt that the possibility of operational contro! from the ground was
undesirable, showed a


lack of confidence in the Air Force and was not

The result was that the information was initially not available

except by telephone at the control point but was available in the Sandia
tracking trailer at A site.

Early in the operation, surely enough, the B52

got on the wrong target and managed to orbit directly over the manned
stations. This led to a prompt outcry on the part of the/tracking system
which was relayed immediately by telephone to the command post and from
there through a somewhat cumbersome system to the B52.


Whether the incident

Select target paragraph3