designing, operating and maintain/ the weapons complex at Barber's
Point in conjunction with the Air Force.


incidentally, caused

a bit of trouble which would be fun to discuss with Hollingsworth.
We arranged for marine guards with the weapons assembly facility;
unfortunately, Marines take their job seriously whereas the civilians
seem to be somewhat lackadaisical.

We had a number of incidents in

which the marines, perhaps by having improper orders, made sufficiently
threatening gestures to the civilian personnel that the weapons teams
threatened to quit and come home rather than operate under such conditions.
he u

él: vette

tt took a [paramennt) of administrative effort on the part of the Task Force
to straigten out that small difficulty.

| should interject at this point

that Lee Holingsworth of Sandia had accepted the Task Force offer tendered
by the scientific deputy to be in charge of all weapon assembly and handling
for the Task Force.

He did an outstanding job.

The sampler aircraft,

however, which had been planned to operate out of Hawaii now had 10%
Christmas Island.


This was an appreciable benefit in most ways because

they would be much closer to the clouds to do a better sampling job.
However, some difficulties were experienced, the logistics at that distance

—fba. (onk~

were somewhat of a problem, TPedeneered| down pad had to be provided| but
the British were rather sensitive about the disposal of radioactive water
after the planes were washed down and a sample return system had to be

That latter was done by KCI35 tankers lightly loaded, no

passengers) taking off from Christmas Island and flying direct to the
West Coast of U.S.

The fireball procurement systems which had already been under preparation
for the ship operation were taken as soon as possible to Christmas.



part of the operation was under egg auspices, fireball cameras were mounted
on tracking gear for the tracking information was furnished on the Sandia


Select target paragraph3