for some method of testing.

Thus, thru Task Force offices, some three

liberty ships were obtained plus several active Naval ships for instrumentation.

The intent was to use each liberty ship as a barge on which

to place the device to be detonated and to observe that detonation with
cameras and other equipment from the navy ships on the ground and from
two instrumented 130 aircraft obtained for that purpose from the Air Force
at the same time.

Distance was to be obtained using

would install on the navy ships.
forgotten the designation.


radar that Sandia

These are something 26 radars,


Task Force arranged for direct working relations

between the laboratories and the navy in preparing these ships.
was to take place some 600 miles southeast of Hawaii.
chosen because of the prevailing winds.

The operation

This point being

We were concerned about the Tsunami

problem, but at that time, had not done sufficient arithmetic to show what

is now pretty clear, that it would have been a serious problem.

This method

of operation was not satisfactory to the AEC laboratory, the measurements
would clearly be of poorer quality than desired.

Sampler aircraft would

be operating at maximum range and a great deal of dependence would be placed
on photographic observations from the Cl30's, a type of work that had not
been done pressure continued to find some more suitable site.
The Task Force largely through the auspices of the navy deputy ear admiral
LLoyd Mustén decided to have its headquarters on Ford Island in Hawaii.
office building was obtained and refurbishing began.
headquarters was to be in Hawaii,


we couldn't have female secretaries.


Incidentally, since the

insisted that there was no reason why
The Task Force agreed that | could

have Miss LaPlant as my secretary in the field.

The major difficulty, however,

was that the office building obtained on Ford Island had no ladies john's.
The Task Force, therefore, put into the plans the production of such a facility
and | believe it was actually constructed before we gave up that plan.


Select target paragraph3