The Pacific community. not surprisingly,
has reacted strongly to Washington's proposal that a Pacific site. such as Wake. Midway. or Palmyra, be used as a storage facility.
“The day has Jong passed."’ one Pacific jour-

nal editorialized. ““‘when the United States

could arbitrarily decide on which islands to

bomband which islands would be laden with
nuclear waste.”
It is diffcule for outsiders to understand
the importance of land to the Marshallese

people. Land is not a commodity for them:
it is a symbolof individual identity. Through
its nuclear testing program. the United States
gained a position of nuclear strength. The
people of Bikini, onthe other hand. lost their

land—and with it their identity. The test-

ing program is over, but Bikini will bear its
scars for many generations, and the United
Stares must continue to provide direct care

for the people of Bikini for the indefinice
Twoyears ago Tomaki Juda. leader of the
Bikimians. recalled before a congressional subcommittee the ironic words of Wyatt, who
asked the Bikinians to leave their atoll so
that it could be used ‘for the good of mankind and toend all world wars” and compared
the Bikinians to the Children of Israel whom
the Lord led into the “romised Land. Juda
testified that his people ‘‘were naive then,"
and he concluded: ‘“Weare, sadly, more akin
to the Children of Israel when they left Egypt
and wandered through the desert for 40
years.’ Resettlement on Eneu will return the
Bikiniansto their atoll. if not to their homeland. and it will help them begin to rebuild
their identity and dignity.


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