Eisenhewer: Papers, LypjroL
(Ann Whitman file)

Next we shall submit a project for the pooling of scientific

knowledge with our NATO allies on nuclear energy matters, on missiles,
on outer space developments, and the like.

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From a political point of view, Secretary Dulles stated that
one of the most difficult issues which would confront the NATO meeting
was the degree of consultation which should be sought in the NATO Counceil. It was harder for the United States than for other NATO nations
to agree to full consultation on all policy matters, because of the
world-wide commitments and interests of the United States. However,
we will agree to increase the exchange of policy information in the
futore around the NATO Council table. After all, es far as the United
States is concerned, we have no policies which we seek to hide or are
ashamed to acknowledge. All our policies are designed to protect freedom in the world. Nevertheless, we do not want to be in a position where
we are unable to act promptly if necessary for the reason that we are
obliged to consult with the NATO Council before taking action. With a
volatile and unpredictable individual like Khrusachev at the head of
the Soviet Union, we mst be able to act quickly in various ports of

the world. Khrushchev will certainly try to test out the resolution
of the United States in a variety of circumstances and places. We
must be in a vosition to act alnost instanteneously when confronted
by one of these Soviet atteapts to vrobe our resolution and will. If
we do not react instantly to such a nrobe, the vrestige of the Soviet
Union vould become committed, with mech more serious results. Furtnermore, there were some problems between menbers of NATO vhere it was
pleinly better to deal outside the NATO Council then within it.

was true of the Cyprus problem.


Litewise, France does not vent the

Algerian question discussed in the NATO Council.

E:cceptions such as

these seem to preclude a herd and fest rule that all ech policy meatters must be discussed in the NATO Council before a NATO nation acts.
But in general, we vould do nore ty wey of comsultstion, and we will
increase the stature of our pernsarent representative in NAT.

Thereafter, Secretary Dulles indicated that there would be
discussions at the NATO reeting in the economic field. The Italians,
the Germans, and the French are 211 perticularly enxious for such discussions. HATO is no exception to the other internationel bodies, in
that its members all desire to have a voice in determining hov the
United States spends its money overseas.



We are trying to work out a

conpromise measure which will provide for some kind of internztional
Amd, but not such a fund for which the United States alone svoscribes
all the money.



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