
(Ann Whitman file)



law, these nuclear elements would remain in the custody of the United
States; but they would be accompenied by selected HATO units of different nationalities who would have been trained in the use of the
nuclear-capadle weapons without their nuclear warheads. [oii syecseses

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Secondly, said Secretary Dulles, the United States will set

forth the content of its accelerated missiles program. We will not
fix any specific date, but will state that our IRBis will be ready to
be deployed in the NATO area whenever the NATO nations are ready to
receive them. As to the precise areas where the JR5iis will be deployed, Secretary Dulles indicated that there were differences of
opinion, both military and political. It would presumably teke some
time to iron out these differences. Further time would be required
for the physical preparation of the launching sites of the IREMs and
for the training of NATO forces in the use of IREMs. Finally, there
was the financial problem of the costs of these missiles. In view
of all these factors which tended toward delay, Secretary Dulles felt
thet there wes very little doubt that the United States would be in a

position to supply IRBMet::::lfiPhiiigirie:inisssaisuuinsiciils

ecretery Quarles commented, in response to a question from
Secretary Dulles, that the latter's surmary had been accurste. He
added that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had made some preliminary selection in the NATO area of sites for launching IRBis, but that SACEUR
had not yet acted officially on this selection.
Secretary Dulles then pointed out that there wes a good
deal of discussion being generated by the opposition varties in the
verious NATO governments with respect to the question of where to
deploy these missiles. Indeed, there wes a real denger thet this

could becone 2serious -Political issue. Prossr:


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Thirdly, said Secretary Dulles, we would announce at the
KATO meeting that our Atomic Snergy Act would be enended in order to
permit more liberal exchange of atomic energy informetion. We will

certainly seek authority to exchange inforration with our HATO allies

if it is of a character that we know the Soviets already have.


cases where such information is not of very great sisnificence ,» we
will seek to exchange information with our allies even if we are not


sure vhether the Russians possess such information or not.



Select target paragraph3