et bade ae

copra. [t is hoped cacao may become
another cash crop in Ponape and Truk
Districts with a possible minimum
production of 75 tons of cacao beans
for export by 1970. Black pepper is
being established at Ponape on a small
commercial scale where individual
farmers are planting 1/6 acre pepper
gardens under the direction and
guidance of extension agents. A pilot
project on rice production for local
consumption is underway at Ponape
with 50 acres planted so far. A total of
50,000 pounds of polished rice was
produced this year.
potato, cassava, breadfruit, pandanus,
banana, citrus and a number of other

introduced crops, used mainly for
local subsistence, are the remaining
principal crops.
The agricultural potential and
cultural preference of each island place
different emphasis on the various
crops. For example, in Palau District,
cassava has taken the place of breadfruit. In Truk District, breadfruit and
giant swamp and dry land taro
varieties are the most important food

land row crop agriculture is practic
to some extent in Palau and
Marianas. In the other districts v:
little ground cultivation is done exc:
in Ponape, where holes are specia
prepared for planting yams and
vines ure carefully trained up live t

Although agricultural efficiency

very low compared to that of hig.
developed areas, it compares favora
with similar developing countries. 1]
introduction of cacao to high isla:
for intercropping with cocom
bananas, and breadfruit will incre
by 50% the income per acre of la
New hybrid cacao types have be
introduced to Ponape and Truk A:
and so far show outstanding yi
performance. The highest yield
trees and those most resistant
disease will be selected and the se
distributed to indigenous farmers
planting. The overall cacao prograrr
based on assisting local farmers
‘promoting cacao production rat:
Government or privately ow
demonstration farms.

In order to build Micrones
reputation of producing high qua:
On Ponape Island, yam culture is and premium-priced cacao, cen
highly developed, having a social fermentaries and processing pla
prestige role as well as serving © have been established in areas
subsistence purposes. Large yams, concentrated cacao production. E:
sometimes weighing several hundred central fermentary has one or m
pounds and many years old, play a mechanical rotary cacao driers. Pon:
dominant role in the ceremoniallife of has two rotary driers installed; Tr
the Ponapeans.
Traditional cultural practices are
still followed for most subsistence
crops. Coconuts, breadfruit, pandanus,
bananas and other trees are planted
with very little cultivation. Taro is
cultivated in pits where the soil has
been improved by the use of fallen
leaves, cut grasses, and compost. Dry


The coconut, the most import:
economic crop in the Territory, !
the highest priority for developme
A Territory-wide, long-range coco!
replanting program is in its eighth y:
of operation. The program has be
augmented by the assistance of
Peace Corps Volunteers who have be
Part VI—Economic Advanceme



Select target paragraph3