e Providing the basic physical and
resource developments necessary for
economic growth by expanding a
Trust Territory-wide construction
program which includes rehabilitating and building roads, airports, and

harbor facilities; and improving and
expanding water, electrical, sanitary,
and other basic utilities.
e Encouraging Micronesians to establish their own business enterprises
by providing them with necessary
technical assistance and long-term
loans. These enterprises include
establishment of cooperatives, small
home industries, expanded production of handicraft, search for
markets, and instruction in modern
methods of production.
e Providing for capital participation in
economic enterprises which are
otherwise beyond the financial
capacity of local investors, by providing an economic climate which

applications to the Board for its «

sideration. Loans are made directl.
in the form of a loan guarantee
commercial bank by the Territ:

Government, with the Board sei

aside cash in reserve equivalent to
of the total loan guaranteed.

Loans may be made or guaran

(a) A citizen or resident of
Trust Territory, or a group or ass:
tion of Trust Territory citizen:
residents, whom the Board of D
tors regards as a suitable borrower.
(b) Corporations and cooper.
societies authorized to conduct
ness in the Territory; citizens or
dents of the Territory engage:

agriculture, manufacturing, or .

will allow business, commerce and

mercial fishing: improvement of
ism; and improvement ofreal proy
for industrial purposes which
Board specifically determines t
beneficial, desirable and necessar
the economic development of
Trust Territory and which meets
or more of the followingcriteria:

food processing, and other fabri-

—Creates new employemnt;

industry a profit while providing
productive employment opportunities for Micronesia’s growing
population. Enterprises which may
require such participation inchude
travel facilities, fisheries, large-scale
tropical agricultural production,
cating and manufacturing industries.
Credit Facilities

The Economic Development Loan
Fund is one important device for
stimulating the local economy. The
Loan Fund is administered by a seven-

member Board of Directors, chaired

by the Director of Economic Develop-


A general rule established by the

Board of Directors requires that loan


applicants attempt to secure Cr
directly from commercial banksin
area, and that only when such as
ance is not available may they sut

—Replaces imports, increases ex pc
—Reduces consumerprices;
—Provides vitally needed facilities
During the year under re
direct loans totaling $115,300
made and $164,200 worth of

tional loans were guaranteed
commercial banks. At year’s
$23,000 in loans were pending ai
Part VI—Economic Advance.


Select target paragraph3