Qualification standards for Micro-

nesian employees, specifications of

approved positions, and standardized
rates of pay are described in the
“Micronesian Title and Pay Plan.” This

Plan provides three distinct pay
schedules: manual occupations and
skilled crafts; clerical, administrative
and protective positions; and professional and managerial positions. As the
result of a 1966 comprehensive study
of the Plan, a new classification and
pay plan for positions in the manual
occupations and skilled crafts became
effective in July 1967. The new plan
greatly increases rates for skilled
craftsmen and their supervisors. At the
same time, an increase in rates for the



clerical and administrative schedule
The Trust Territory Merit System
spells out the terms and conditions
and benefits of employment within
the Trust Territory executive branch
and gives legal force to the rights of
employees. Among features of the
System are:
@ Appointment

of a

Personnel Board


e Protection against arbitrary and
discriminatory punishment of
employees through procedural
guarantees of due process and a
system of appeals
e Provision
appointments through examinations

e An employee council to act as

official spokesman for employees

on matters affecting their pay,

status, and working conditions

e Authorization for a retirement



ok, oe eee




annual and sick leave and oth

By the end of fiscal year 1968, .
of the above features had been i1
plemented except the enactment ot
retirement system. The Administratic
is funding a special portion of the ne
Social Security System, described
Part VII, Chapter 5, to recognize lor
service by its employees. Employe:
who have worked for the Admini
tration for more than 5 years w:
becomefully insured faster and receis
a higher pension than non-governme:

employees upon retirement.

Set up in 1967, a grouplife insu
ance program open to all Micronesia
employees provides $1,000 doub:
indemnity life insurance for ever
$1,000 of annual income or any frac
tion thereof. Government employee:

more than 90% of whom haveelecte:

to be covered, pay two-thirds of th
premiums while the Territory Goverr
ment pays one-third.
The Administration also offers it
employees workmen’s compensatio:

insurance through a private insuranc:

company. The program covers up t
three-fourths of a Government em
ployee’s salary for lost time incurrec
from an on-the-job accident. All medi.

cal and hospital expenses for a duty.

connected accident are borne by the

makes every effort to retain employees

capable of performing their work after
any injuries sustained on the job.
working on contract to the Trust
Territory Government also have access
to the workmen’s compensation program, premiums are paid directly by
these companies to the insurance
The Administration entirely funds a
death benefit of up to one year’s
Part V—Political Advancement

Select target paragraph3