2-year term.

All district legislative bodies meet
twice a year except the Marshall
Islands District Congress which meets

only once, in August.

Bils passed by district legislatures
are presented to the district administrator who has power to approve or
disapprove them within 30 days. District legislatures may pass disapproved
bills over the district administrator’s
veto by a two-thirds majority of their
entire membership. If the district administrator does not then approve a
vetoed bill so repassed, he must sendit

Se Se of

to the High Commissioner who must
either approve or disapprove it within
30 days.

Lists of the current membership of
the district legislatures are given in
Appendix E.
Preparation of district legislature
budgets is discussed in Part VI,
Chapter |.

Subject to all Territory-wide laws
and all district laws of their respective
districts, municipalities are primarily
responsible for:
e the

Chapter 4



The basic unit of local government
in the Territory is the municipality.


and public

e licensing and collecting license

fees of retail and service businesses;

@ imposition and collection of
excise taxes authorized by the
district legislature, head taxes,

and property taxes,

® construction and maintenance of
municipal streets, roads, and

e all necessary law enforcement
not otherwise provided for;
® support of court sittings within
the municipality away from
established courthouses; and

@ support of public education and

public health as may be required
by law.

Yap Islands Council

This is an executive-advisory body
composedof the elected magistrates of
the 10 municipalities of the Yap
Islands as voting members, the 10
municipal secretaries as non-voting
members, and other advisory members
designated by the Council.


welfare of their inhabitants;

Municipal boundaries largely represent customary geographic-political
divisions or entities which may comprise an island, group of islands or
atolls, or a locally recognized area or
division of a larger island. The Marshall
Islands, however, are grouped into
municipalities by islands and atolls,
irrespective of the overlapping jurisdiction of the hereditary chieftains,
the /roij Laplap.
The municipalities may be classified
as those which function under a
charter and those which are unchartered; some of the latter elect only an

executive officer while others remain
under a traditional form of government.

Part V—Political Advancement



All districts now have 4-year terms
of office except Truk, which has a

Select target paragraph3