e Construction and maintenance of
primary roads and harbor facilities

e Control of banking
e Organization of business corporations,



credit unions and cooperatives,
insurance, sale of securities, and
public utilities

Members of Congress are chosen 1:
biennial elections in even-numbere:

vears by secret ballot of residents wh:

are citizens of the Territory, 18 year
of age or over, and registered voters. +
regular session of the Congress, whict





calendar days, is held each year beginning the second Monday of July. The

High Commissioner may call a special

session whenever he deems it in the
public interest.

e Control! of the establishment and
operation of, and investmentin,

The legislative power of the Congress of Micronesia extends to all
which importing and exporting appropriate subjects of legislation.
except that no legislation may be
licenses shall be issued
inconsistent with treaties or intere Making of grants to districts and national agreements of the United
States, laws of the United States apmunicipalities
plicable to the Territory; Executive
e Exclusive control of import, Orders of the President of the United
. States and orders of the Secretary of
export, and income taxes
the Interior, or Sections | through 12
of Rights) of the Trust Territory
e Support of all judicial activities
Further, the Congress may not
except for assistance from muniimpose any tax upon property of the
United States or of the Territory, nor
e Support of public education and may it tax the property of nonresidents at a higher rate than that of
public health
residents. The Congress also has power
to appropriate funds available from
e Law enforcement
revenues raised pursuant to Territory
tax and revenue laws and to review
and make recommendations on the
Legislative Branch
High Commissioner’s proposed reThe Congress of Micronesia is a quests for funds to be appropriated by
bicameral legislature, consisting of a the United States Congress.
Senate and a House of Representatives. There are !2 Senators, two
During the year under review, the
elected at large from each of the six Secretary of the Interior issued Amenddistricts for 4-year terms. The House ment No. 3 of Order No. 2882, the
of Representatives has 21 members document which provides for the
businesses and conditions under

member election districts of about
equal population. The present apportionment of Representatives is: Mariana Islands District, 3; Marshail Islands
District, 4; Palau District, 3; Ponape
District, 4; Truk District, 5; and Yap
District, 2.


authority and organization of the Con-

gress of Micronesia. The Amendment



of bills,


conduct of elections should a natural
disaster prevent balloting on the
appointed day, and revenues appropriable by the Congress. (The Amendment is reproduced in Appendix B.)
Part V—Political Advancement

Rte ee ae



elected for 2-year terms from single-

Select target paragraph3