September 1967
The administration of justice was
strengthened with the appointment of
a second Associate Justice. The Honorable D. Kelly Turner, former Deputy
Attorney General of the Territory, was
sworn in by the High Commissioner.
Leo A. Falcam, a Ponapean and
former Assistant District Administrator for Administration in Ponape,
was appointed Special Assistant to the
High Commissioner.
October 1967

Benjamin T.
Manglona of Rota, Representative,
Congress of Micronesia, represented
the Trust Territory at the Seventh
South Pacific Conference. He also
served as an adviser to the U.S. delegation to the 30th South Pacific
Commission Session which followed
the Conference.
November 1967

The Congress of Micronesia’s
Future Political Status Commission
held its organizational meeting in
Saipan and elected the Honorable
Lazarus E. Salii of Palau as chairman.
The Assistant Director of the Department of the Interior’s Office of Territories met with the Commission on

homes before passing over norther:
Palau where it also caused damage
Typhoon Gilda struck Rota, Marian:
Islands District, causing extensive
damage to crops, private homes, and
government buildings and facilities.
Due to increasing responsibilities in
education and health programs, the
Department of Community Services
was separated into a Department of
Education and a Department of Public
Health. Dr. William M. Peck, who
assumed the position of Director of
Public Health in June 1967, was

appointed Assistant Commissioner for
Public Health.

December 1967

The Territory’s first first-class
hotel, the Royal Taga, opened in
Saipan, Mariana Islands District. The
three-story, $800,000 structure will be
expanded from 54 to 100 rooms.
January 1968

trict, 240 Peace Corps Volunteers

Nine members of the U.S. House of
Representatives and three members of
the Senate Committees on Interior and
Insular Affairs visited the Territory on
separate 3-week inspection tours. The
House members were accompanied by
the Assistant Secretary of the Interior.
During their visit, the delegations met
with the Congress of Micronesia’s
Future Political Status Commission
and leaders from all six districts, and
also visited many remoteislands.

Two - typhoons inflicted major
damage in the Territory. Typhoon
Emma struck Yap, damaging roads,
public facilities, and several private

Hawaii Architects and Engineers,
under contract to the Trust Territory
to prepare physical development
master plans for ail district centers and
for Ebeye and Carlson Islands, submitted its pre-final plan to the High

matters relating to its mission.

After completing summer and fall
training programs in Udot, Truk Dis-

began assignments throughout the
Territory, bringing the number of
Volunteers in the Territory to 647.


Part [-Introduction


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