iqxovcmmnt could be nade.

of this installation by TG

7.2 introducd difficulties in control and coordination. Inasmuch
as the cmmnication

center was located adjacent to the J-5 office

of Headquarters JTF SW3N, it was natural for personnel of that
office kc direct and supervise the activity without reference to
TG 7.2. Eersonnel to nan this installation weredxwn fron the bulk

available to the Signal Officer TG 7.2, and &d

to be

trained and organized into a functional telm in a very short tine,
It would have been better if this activity had been dtiectly Under
tho control of the Signal Officer, JTF SEVEN, and if ..ii

for the consolidation of all manual radio operations in one looaticm, this concept was never fiplemented~ The lack of space at the airkwe


munications building precluded the operation of any except the airways circuit to KJAJALEIN at that location; on the other hand, this
circuit couldnbt be noved awayf’ram tk~


The Hhrbr Com-

hon circuit was retained in the Joint Communication Center area for
two reasons:

first, the traffic handled was primarily of interest

to the Transportation Officer of TG 7.2, and second, it was felt desirable to retain the ca~zbility of reinforcing the Facilities Control operation with CM operators by having the two operations in
the sane area.

Local action was taken to combine the Radiological

Monitor Island Net operating position with the Weather Nets operat- ‘
ing positions instead of rtiiintainin’g
Sepaz-ateoperations as had been



Select target paragraph3