(2) Screening of bakery.
(3) Refinishing of furniture.
(4) Construction of theatre benches and beach
(5) construction of ranps, platforn and fencing
at the decontamination laundry van.
Minor construction and maintenance projects requested
of AEC and perforned by Hclmes and Narver, Inc, showed nc significant variation during the build-up period.15

Depending upon the

nature of the project, costs were charged to various AEC funds.
From the viewpoint of Task Group 7.2, all but one of these funds
were unlinited. The exception was the ATCOM Miscellaneous Construction Fund.

The present fuad was set up by an allocation of

$’75,000of .~ECfunds at the start of FY 56, the s~e ~nout as was
alloted during FY 55, an interim year, in order to provide the
Atoll Commander with a means of accomplishing small.projects. ~
January of 1956 it was apparent that this anount would be insufficient to neet the requirements of the remainder of the fiscal year.


An additional allocation was made in the amount of $30,000 from AEC
funds and, in ac!dition,W5,000 was transferred to AEC from JTF
SEVEN funds.

Shortly after the arrival of JTF headq~ters

Facific iroving Ground, tus

$25,000 was ~~rked

at the

for their minor

construction requirements on FARRY Island, The experience with this
f!md indicated that noney alloted during a build-up or operational
yehr Dust be greater than that cd.lotedduring an interim year.fl’
15 -.TAB N


Select target paragraph3