refrigerated storage unit.

One officer was operate

this facility on an additional duty basis. %mains were packed
in ice in a metal casket and evacuated via air to Hawaii for
further processing. Between 1 January 19%

and the end of Opera-

tion RED’.!i3iG
five bodies were processed; three of the deaths, all
from drowring, occurred during the operational period.


Technical $ervice Information:

Chemical Supply: Chenticalsupplies presented no pro.

blems during Operation REDWING. Supply of items classed within this
Technical- Service is extremely limited.
(2) Engineer Supply:

Construction Materials: Construction was a

basic responsibility of the AEC Contractor, however, certain ma.
terials were required to be furnished by T~sk Group 7.2 for its own
end other task group @or

construction projects. Large require-

ments were submitted by Task Group 7.3 md

7.4 without advmce

notice which often resulted in the untimely issuing of large
quantities of lumber, plywood, paint, n~ls,
progrmmed prinwrily for packing md

etc., which were

crating. This resulted in

fluctu~ting levels for some Engineer items and the submission of
emergency requisitions to replenish stocks.
(b) Heavy Equipment: Crenes, tractors and simils.r
items have been on hand for some period of time and=re effectively
used by Task Group 7.2 to perform its mission. Many items, however,
are reaching an obsolescent stege and will require replacement prior
to another operational period.


Select target paragraph3