the strcks rn,hand belcw the operaticmd level cf TG ?.2. .11though this necessitated ~,rcsubnussicn cf requisitions for
replacement of stock, the Administrative savings t~ the Government w~re c’ It was discovered, however, th<t c(nsiclerablecare h?d to be exercised in the utilization of this
interchange prcgram because of a tendency to consider the lot?.1
s~urcc 2,sa primary s;)urcecf supply.

Off-Island ”&ather Sites:’ These sites furnishcllsupjlics

and equipment during Operation REDWING. Items were issued thruugh
Test Service Unit, Trsk Grwp


One nrcblem encountered WaS the

rnethcdcf issuing ware p?rts. Since initial comTutaticmswerc
based on th. tctal.number cf vehicles for the entire.Task Forec,
this decentralization caused a miner problem which was solved by
Frcwid!n? kits ccmtaining those esssntial parts which are normally
furnished on a t~pcrvehicle!!b?sis.
(8) RilitmyP oliceLuSment?tion:

The equipment, clothinp and

Sunvlies for the 8 CJfficerand 2s2 enlisted men augmentation were
issued through the Task Group 7.2 kilit?ry P:>liccDetachment. However the nredetermi,nedrequirements, except medical,items, were
as major items and were ordered by CJTF SEVEN on TOG Requisitions. The Iist.of requirements were prepared by the TG 7.2
Military Police Detachment. Tlxismethod of supply for am au~mcmta.tion unit was ineffectual si.nccsuyllies, in many cases, arrived
12te. Such”items as AN@f.l@8


sets, to~l sets an-?others arrived well pst


‘le of the operation znd in scme cases di4.not arrive at all.

Select target paragraph3