program was in effect from 1 September 1954 to 1 Septwdxr 19s!5,
with milita~

ceremonies consisting primarily of informal retreat

on Friday of eaeh week. A militarg justice course wae coilducted


during this period in accordance ,:ithDepartment of the Arqy re*
quirements. Inspections were periodically conducted by the
commander of the task group.

Build-up and Operational Phase:
Upon receipt of ‘JointTask Force SEVEN Planning Di-

rective No. l-~~, dated 10 August 19J~, the CTG ‘7.2effected plans
for the armyls participation in Operation ,d3DFi1{G.To coordinate
efforts withti~the task group, insure full cov.rage of the intricate details of assigned missions, and to acquaint other groups of
the task force with requirements of the Arrqyelement for operation
dEDtiiNG,the Commander Task Group ‘7.2promulgated two detailed publications; Administrative Order 1-5’6,and Operational Order 1-s6.
Both directives extensively set forth detailed methods of e.ccomplishing assign”eda~

missions during build-up and operational

periods, and within know precepts of post-shot requirements by
Joint Task Force SIIVhN,established policies for the roll-up
At inception of Operation dEDWING the need existed
within the task group for a slight modification in organizational
structure, and after conside~~ble coordination, the n~wly accepted
reorganization was published in September 19SS, and ordered into
effect. Personnel positions and allocations established by Department of the Army Tables of Distribution 71-7126 were not ex-

Select target paragraph3