quirod t~ attend R dopflrturcbriefing. This brief’ingW:S intended
to serve s.srIreminder to departing porsonncl th~.ttheir security
responsibilitieswould romnin tho

same as if th~y were still hero

and thnt the d~.ngorof committing

o security viol~.tionwould incronsc


upon their doperturo from tho ~rcn.
Security films wero shown fitvorious times during the
oporstion- Thoso films wrro short in ncturo ~nd wore utilized m
security reminders. Thay woro shown ~t ,c1lthe~tros oporntcd by
Tr.skGroup 7-2 before tho xmin feature. Sixty-nine (69) showings
woro rondo,c~ch to ~.nnvcrago audionco of 457’personnol.
Security postors wore displnycd on all bulletin boc.rds
and in nll rooroation~l, billet, ond ofi’iccarons. Publications in
the form of SOPS,

Security Memorandums, nnd reminders in the Ro.iJy

Bullctinworo publisncd c+snoodcd.

Officirl AEC-DOD press ralonsos

woro ruproducod and distributed to onch mombor of the TfiskGroup, as
they wcro rccoivod from JTF SEVEN,

Security Logs. A Chronological Log of Security Mensuros

within Tr.skGroup 7.2 WO.Simplemontod on 4 Novcmbor 1955, in accordance
with lottcr J-2/380.01, He~.dqufirtors,
Joint Task Force SEVEN. This
log containod such security actions or events such ns indoctrirwtions,
louturos, mooting of ?ircraft, boarding of ships, showings of
security films, disscmin~.tionof security romindcrs pnd the implcmanto.tionof ncw security policies or .moasurcs. Similar Logs
were mmint~.incdby each dotachmcnt from 1 April 1956 throughout the






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