In mnny c~ses individuals ~rrivod in the forwwrd ~.rcawith-



oommnnd h~,vingrocoivod Q clonranco ITDSSPCU

j.n accordance

with CINCPACts directives. Sinco ATCOM is not o.uthorizodby CINCPAC
to initiato

such clofirflncos,
this nocossitotod action


on the p~rt of

ATCOM to obtnin tho zmssagc raquircd~ Even though o st~tomont is
usually contnined in tho individunlfs tmvol

ordors stcting th~t tho

provisions of CINCPAC Serial 020 hfivoboon conqiliodwith and that tho
individuc.1hns boon cloarcd fm


entry into ENIWETOK, n copy of the

clo~.rnncomossago is tho only cvidcnco of propor clcar~nco th~t ATCOM
is authorized to accept=

In ~11 ccsos clo~ranco mossngcs wore cvcn-

tunlly obtnincd; howovor, at times ATCCM was rcquirod to dco.1with
tho hondquortcrs th~t initi~tcd trevcl orders and in somo cfisosit
wns found thfltthose ho~.dqunrtcrsdid not possess n copy of CINCPAC
Lottor Scrinl 020.

This nccossitntod R series of mossmges before o

proper clc!?rnncocould bc obt~.inodth~rcby erecting an unncccss~ry
burden on communication facilities and o.lengthy t~~c l.opscwhich
could havo boon olimin~tcd if J!TCCMhod boon permitted to gr~nt suah
clocrnnco bnscd on a review of subjock?s 201 file nnd n proper
sta%omcnt in the individu?l~s tre.vclordcrso
During tho opcrntion Tosk Group 7.3 ~.ssumcdthe responsibility for olc~.ringfillVCSSCIS under their opcr~tiorwl control
into tho PPG~

All probloms crcatcd by tha trnnsfor of respon-

sibility woro offcctivoly rosolvcd by C1OSO coordin”.tionmd


among the security officors of onch Tc.skGroup.
Inter-islnnd nnd inter-atoll txwvcl rs WO1l ~s dopo.rturcs
from tho PPGworc govorncd by the SOP*S published by CJTF SEVEN,


Select target paragraph3