Investigations required for TOP SECRET or Cryptologic clearances woro
forvwrdod to tho m?jor continont~~ army co~ands who octod
officos for such investigations.



Interim ond firml cloaronco cor-

ti,fiontos(DA Form 873) wcro issued for all military clo~rnncos
grnntod in accordance with AR 634-5.5
Authority for tho Commander, Task Group 7.2 to grnnt fin~l
cryptologic cloarnncos WP.Sobtainod from CJTF SEVEN upon rocoipt of
CJTF SEVEN SOP 205-3, dntod 10 November 1955. Prior to rocc?iptof
this e.uthority,nll cryptologic clo?r?.nccswore granted by CJTF SEVEN.
This now procedure climirmtod o groat do?.1of p~pcr trnnsnctions nnd
inhoront dolny.

The snmc SOP set forth procedures for tho initiation

and processing of rcquosts for ‘tCortificntionfor Access to Rostriotod
DrtnlttO CJTF SEVEN, o proccdu!wl stop utilized froqucntly in tho
cler.ringof solcctcd TG 7*2 officers as Smplo Roturn Officers.
~intenance of individual invcstigr,tivofiles within the S2
.soctionprovod c gront help in cnrly requisitioning for ~nd issue
of RED1?lNGbadges, processing nnd recording of clcar~ncos, and tho
processing of those who foiled to meet of othcrwiso joopcrdizcd
their stnnding in rospoct to clo?rcnco rcquiromcnts.
Wockly nir sweeps, and periodic groufi sweeps whan LCMS cnd
DUKWS were avo.ilcblcwere rondoof ENIWETOK Atoll during tho intori.m
n.ndbuild-up period. P~.trolsof this sort wcro devised to keep CITI
7●2 informed of tho situotion and to better inform him in planning
tho defonso of tho Atoll.

These patrols wcro discontinued during tho

oporcitioml period when TG 703 bec~.mcrcsponsiblo for security surveillance of tho Proving Ground5 - TAB ?3



Select target paragraph3