409488 (Aas US DOE ARCHIVES S. ATOMIC EN ERG" ne 326 U-8. eRGY Collection SECRETARIAT R JUN 7929 Rex Folder MA+S 3 N vA - § a -— opCrelAORN RECO 12 1973 Kaden VolIL Mr. Edward J. Bauser Executive Director Joint Cammittee on Atomic Energy Congress of the United States Dear Mr. Bauser: Since the last report on medical findings in the Marshallese was submitted to you on January 15, 1973, Dr. Robert A. Conard, Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and his team have conducted their annual medical survey. The examinations were carried out from March 21 to April 12, 1973. In contrast to the difficult political climate that hampered the survey during the spring of 1972, excellent cooperation was provided to the team on this visit. In fact, the Special Joint Committee for Rongelap and Utirik of the Micronesian Congress, who accompanied the survey team, urged the people to cooperate in the examinations, No additional cases of leukemia or blood disorders were discovered, However, several new thyroid abnormalities were detected, including three that might be related to the radioactive fallout of 1954, and three others that are probably unrelated. All but an Ailinginae female patient are scheduled to have their thyroid nodules removed surgically at Cleveland within the next few weeks. The nodule in the Ailinginae patient is to be treated medically and observed for the present. Dr. Knud Knudsen of Brookhaven National Laboratory is completing his one-year tour of duty in the Marshall Islands. He was assigned there to provide special health care to the people of Rongelap and . . = 05 aA BEST COPYAVAILABLE OFFICE ® SURNAME p> ooo. eee ee fee eee ee nee aeewe we cone cee ce cee tence cee n ee meen wenn cece enna eto e wee [pneceenemeene eneneenenens een. -.---- 222-222 -2 nee eee ee eee eee eet Jane mew nwe rece ene ccm n nen) nen ene w nec een ee ew eeen eset. DAYE ® |.........-.-- 2-2-2 2 - ne eh nn eee eee ene ee ee ne ee eee nen ene [eee een eeeee Farm AFC~4IR (Rev 9.59) AFOCM 074n aro e42—168—R1ABS-1 a4 S-ATR &