deal of Ais time to enwtining thyreiis, judges and records the charafter of the clané

at physical examination and then nerscnally reviews the histology cnfleach cland the:
is operated snould be able to correlate the physical findings with the histology with
reasonable accuracy.


We believe that we have shown in these studies why the dose of






I produces prompthypothryoidism in some patients and is relative


ineffective in

The calculated dose to be taken up by the gland may be modified to fit the


Similarly the physician who records his preoperativa

estimate of the

thyrcid weight and then sees and weighs the amount of tissue remov

, has performed

a unique control of his ability to estimate accurately the weight of

the thyroids.

With experience he can refine his judgement of weight for those to

fe treated with

Qur data to be collected on the clinical features of the gland in patients before
treatment with


I have been assembled on index cards so that many of these considera-

tions have been explored in the light of the thoroughly studied cli nical result.


a more precise estimate of the dose of 13 ty that is needed can be athieved, then perhar
there can be more correct doses given, fewer early developments of hypothyroidism and
fewer instances of repeated treatments being required.

The Kinetics of Various Treatment Doses of 131)
The collection of data on the changing pattern of 131 I iodina

amino acids and

free iodide in the serum and urine and the disappearance of 131; fr om_«the thyroid fol-

lowing treatment doses for hyperthyroidism has been mentioned.

Sex hal measurements of

iodinated compounds were carried out by quantitative chromatography almost daily for
weex and weekly for several weeks.


There are over 175 Graves' dis

The quantitative data on blood and urine along with esti

se patients so
ted weight of

the gland, the size of the dose given, the size of the dose lodged fin the gland

and finally the features of the clinical response that followed weqe given to
Dr. A.B. Brill (formerly of Vanderbilt University) for analysis.

have been studying and analyzing this material in compartmentalizeq

e and his associat

models originally


Select target paragraph3