-9devised by Rerson.

Rates of flow of Lol, among compartments refleck the physiological

State of hyperthyroidism and the development of a radiation effect.]
in draft form in the hands of Dr. Brill.
the results from these analyses.

move to

Two manuscripts have beem

Publication has been delayed. by

The results are
prepared describir.
Ur. Brill's recent

Brookhaven National Laboratory.

The Development of Neoplasms of the Thyroid Following Irradiation
At least two Circumstances may have an important bearing on of development of
neoplasms following



One concerns the damage to the cell whidh results in in-

pairment to the synthesis and output of thyroid hormone, resulting]in a secondary
stimulus to the gland from the pituitary (TSH).

The other concerng the intrinsic

nuclear damage that results in the production of abnormalities witlin the cell, or
failure of cell division.

In referring here to damage to the cellg, it is important

to keep in mind that the effects produced are often not rapidly lefhal to the cells;
rather the cells survive for long periods with only mild impairmenf of fimction.


the development of benign or malignant neoplasms is dependent on
tion then prolonged mild hypothyroidism should be an important pr
the other hand, if the cellular damage is so devastating as to caugbe severe hypothyr:

ism, then that same damage would be so crippling as to hinder the

fevelopment of a n

growth which is dependent on cell division.
Our studies have shown that neoplasm formation in the rats refuires an interval
of 14 to 18 months from the time of the irradiation.

The lengthy

clearly shown in the Marshallese where, in spite of thorough ann

the first palpable nodule was not found for 9 years and neoplasms
at 26 years.

(See twenty-six year report).

physical examina


still appeari

Many of the experimental ideas for our

laboratory have come from our experience in operating the thyroid

finterval in man is

fneoplasmsof the

The maximal estimated dose to the thyroid in the Marshallese was 1,15¢

Select target paragraph3