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the results in the non-nvyperplastic thyroid of the rat and the MarsHallese is striking.


The survey of 5,000 school children for thyroid lesioris in the Jsouthern Utah

area, where there was exposure to small amounts of radioiodines in
some years ago.

This investigator was one of three who at 6 month intervals

examined each child considered to have a thyroid abnormality by 1

fAllout, was concluded


Although same nodules were found in this formerly endenfic goiter area,

no carcinomas were found that could be attributed to fallout.
series of collateral observations


(which were not directly related

Fo radiation

effect) on the course of adolescent goiter and the course of thyroiditis in children
came to light during the survey.
this investigator have resulted.

Several publications by Ralison,

al, including

It now appears that the interval bf time after

exposure was relatively short in view of same of the above observatipfns.

The analysis of data in the National Cooperative Thyrotoxicosis] Therapy Follow-

Up Study, for which the principal investigator was Chairman of the Steering Comittee,
came to a standstill for lack ef fimds several years ago.

The relat ively few (several

tumdred) thyrotoxicosis treatment cases this laboratory contributed fo the 35,000

cases in that Study were the most thoroughly studied cases from the


I kinetics.

The data submitted from our cases had been developed

analysis of those data by Dr. A.B. Brill). No significant mmber of
to light in the National Cooperative Thyrotoxicosis Therapy Follow-

Study, as we

reported in‘1974.

who had developed =

There were, however, 494 individuals in that S

‘mass:: in the thyroid that had not been present when 13] was given.

[These masses that

had developed had not yet been removed when the study closed.

Several years ago the principal investigator participated in 2

ittee of the

National Academy of Sciences studying the use of radiation in the trqatment of benign


The use of radioiodine was one.

Select target paragraph3