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as in the Marshallese is whether.thyioids being cperated for the
be subjected to total thyroidectomy.

[gross lesions should

Very often the malignant leBion found in an ir-

radiated gland is not the lesion that prampted exploration.

Between 1956 and 1960 when the risk of carcinoma of the thyrpid following radiation to the head and neck became an issue, we had available the rpcords of 200 indi-

viduals who had received x-radiation between 1939 and 1949 for
lymphadenitis in this hospital.
amined for thyroid nodules.

Of those that were living, 60

There were 12 found to have masses

Three carcinomas were found; the remaining were ad

10 thyroids were

records of one additional patient in the group showed carcinama.

additional lesion

of the several removed and considered to have been an "atypical

enoma’' has recentl:

recurred and now shows microscopic features of carcinoma.


In recent years, the principal investigator has. participated
projects concerned with radiation effects on the thyroid.


in several other
the observations

and analyses of findings have contributed to the investigation

The opportunity to study the Marshallese patients has been

This is a very unique situation where a low but a critically oncdgenic dose of radioiodines reached the thyroid of normal persons.

These were n

to hyperplastic thyroids of Graves' disease treated with T31y
are more sensitive to radiation than the former.

thyroids in contras
cells of the latt

This differenca is illustrated by t

far greater dose of 131; necessary to cause therapeutic reductior in function of the

normal thyroid of the cardiac patient than the amount used to pratuce a similar effec
in the hyperplastic gland of Graves' disease.

Thus, it may be

ceived, the radiation effect was far less in the Marshallese where

than in Graves's disease where neoplasms are rarely produced. Thq

ed that rad for r
neoplasms were for

similarity between

Select target paragraph3