


Endogenous Thyroid Stimulating Hgrmone (TSH)

Neoplasm Formation Following 131] Radiation


In one of the more recent rat experiments using small doses of 131 I and periods
of observation of almost 2 years, we have succeeded in obtaining negplasms in almost

75% of the rat thyroids.

The yield has become sufficiently high in]this model so that

it has been possible to test the factors which inhibit or stimulate|the induction and

growth of such lesions.


TSH has been theoretically implicated in the development of thyroid neoplasms.
Observations that tumors were produced by the use of chronic iodine |deficient diet or
by the chronic use of goitrogenic substances supported the belief
by radioiodines might operate in a similar fashion.

t the damage caus

Just as the la€k of iodine to mak

thyroid hormone, or the block of the synthesis of hormone a deficiegcy of thyroid hormone With a campensatory increase in the output of TSH,so



to the cellular mechanism for hormone production may work in a Simijar way.


Furth and Doniach have independently suggested that there may be a

le mechanisn

responsible for the radiation induced neoplasms, i.e., that radiati

Might initiate

the neoplasm and TSH pramote its growth.
hypertrophy (increase in cell height}
had been given t 31;

The principal investigatoy

in the thyroid of some of

first noted cellu
e's chicks that

(1948). ‘This has been observed by many investigators and has beer

considered a manifestation of the stimulus from TSH, but assays for]TSH, until the las
few years, have not been sufficiently sensitive to detect reliably
elevations of TSH unless there was major damage to the gland.

fhe very slight


Plasms develop mich more consistently following surprisingly small

than large ones.

We also have learned that when there is histologi¢

evidence of damg

fron 11, the incidence of neoplasms is mich decreased. In studie} published under
our former AEC contracts, we have shown that radiation fron 131) caksed intrinsic dama
that might impair the capacity for cellular replication without se
hormone production.

Thus, if damage is sufficient to cause a rise

ously hampering
TSH to significa

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