-17The irradiated Marshallese thyroids often have many minute soljid cellular or

mixed papillary and follicular lesions in addition to the much larger lesion which
had drawn primary attention on physical examination.

Many of the

occupying an area no larger than a dozen normal follicles just as

diny lesions are
is seen in the

radiated rat thyroids.

An exposed Marshallese waman on wham we did a total thyroidectamy in 1969 for
Carcinoma has developed a pituitary tmor, as evidenced by erosionlof the sella

This may be the first human example of the Furth mice in

were destroyed and a pituitary tumor rich in TSH subsequently deve

clincal case, the woman had presumably been taking the T, supple

In this

as supplied.

The final important observation among the Marshallese has been the

elopment of

lesions in 2 young men who at the time of exposure were in utero.
determined, the fetuses were sufficiently developed so that the
taken up radioiodine.

id should have

The thyroids in these cases showed multiple

recently operated one of the mothers for what proved to be miltipla

"atypical" adenoma

The long delay in the development of neoplasms following ‘i
in the Marshallese as well as in the animals.

Our experience has

do not develop lesions readily unless they are irradiated when ve
2/3 of the life span has lapsed.
9 years.

young and 1/2 to

The first Marshallese lesions didjnot develop for

Many of the first lesions found came from the atoll with [he greatest fall-

out (Rongelap).

It was quite some years later that lesions began appearing in peonle

who were on the next nearest atoll (Alingnae) where the dose had bein somewhat less.
While lesions were appearing on the nearer atolls, the low dose recRived on an atoll
much further away (Uterik) seemed to have produced no lesions.

However, in the most

Tecent years, 8 individuals have been cperated from this most remot#
of the carinomas found have come fram this atoll.

These observati



emphasize even

more the risk of the low dose range and the long latent period to pyoduce neoplasms.

Select target paragraph3