7l per-cent.

Construction for the scientific programs has progressed

slowly due to lack of information on the requirements and changes in
the programs.

It is now hoped that with the approval of drawings for

several scientific stations the pace of work in the northern islands
will be increased concurrent with the gradual completion of the CMR
Area at Parry.

Cut-off for Submission of Construction Requirements

As of 1 July 1952 the Manager, Santa Fe Operations Office
stated that it appeared that requests could no longer be accepted from
the various scientific users for new construction which is not already
in process of design, procurement, or construction.
reasons for the above decision were given:


The following

Because of "Q".

clearance requirements, Holmes and Narver construction force at the
site cannot be augmented and therefore mist complete the work in

process with the force presently on hand. (2)

The remaining time

for construction is too short to allow for stateside procurement and
subsequent construction, particularly in view of the fact that the
construction of the. work in hand will overrun the 1 October completion

date, probably to within a very few days of Mike Day.


The present

_ overload of scientific structures points up that serious deficiencies
in the support labor pool for the users may be expected if additional

work is requested.


It appears that the overrun of the construction

completion date will impose an additional personnel evacuation load on

an already overcrowded situation.
However it was stated that construction of relatively
minor scope which is determined to be an urgent and highly important
project could be accomplished provided some other project of less importance

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Select target paragraph3