re eeee

Corporation dewar storage sheds (Bldg. 340, A through H) is 37 per
cent complete.

Units A, C, and E have been erected and Unit A is

ready for sheathing.

Cambridge Corporation's maintenance building

(Bldg. 341) is 45 per cent complete.

The 20-ton crane is in place.

The CMR Shop (Bldg. 342) is essentially complete and the

shop within the Administrative Compound (Bldg. 194) is approximately
93 per cent complete.

Machines and tools have been installed.

The dismantling of the two 15-£t steel towers on Teiteiri-.
pucchi is 75 per cent complete.

The upper island temporary camp

facilities are essentially completed.

The turning basin and jetty

channel are complete.
The Elugelab to Bogon causeway including the coaxial cover
is 75 per cent complete.

The removal of buildings and equipment from

Japtan for storage on Parry is 91 per cent complete.
An estimate of the per cent of completion for various build-

ings on Parry Island as of 15 June 1952 follows:

Completion (%)


tn for. m8,
194 -Niaeh ine Sh
22e ~Fecu rity ‘ ‘A 4

329 eee te


(Modification completed)

330 ie. Crit Pda,
339-haw Orurer lrermtet-

2 9- Dune


Ste Ahan id 37

Raul Derm hi 44 js

342 - Mack, Sty "Com & Basen




The Holmes and Narver estimate of the over-all construction

completed as of 15 June was 74 per cent as compared with a scheduled

- 21-



Select target paragraph3