Growth and development studies of children using anthropometric

measurements and bone age radiographic studies have revealed a slight
retardation in growth and development of some of the boys exposed at less
than 12 years of age.

The greatest retardation was noted in several children

exposed between 12 and 18 months of age.
noted in the female children.

Only slight immaturity has been

The next slide shows the relatively greater

retardation in skeleton age in exposed boys than in girls.
shows the statural growth retardation in exposed boys.

The next slide

The cause of the

growth retardation was not known until the recent detection of thyroid

This will be discussed below.

There were several isotopes of iodine absorbed from the fallout,








Thyroid accumulation of these isotopes resulted

from consumption of contaminated food and water and possibly to some extent
from inhalation.

Since no direct measurements of radiation in the thyroid

gland were made it was necessary to use an indirect approach, that is, the
radioiodine measured in the urine analyses which were collected at 15 days
after exposure.

By extrapolation it was estimated that about 11.2 ywCci 131,

was accumulated in the thyroid gland during the exposure.

The adult gland

was estimated to have received about 160 rads from the iedine isotopes in
addition to 175 rads from the gamma radiation.
glands of children was quite likely higher.

The dose to the much smaller

It was estimated that the dose

to thyroid glands of children less than 4 years of age was in the range of
700 - 1400 rads.

"Beta burns" in the neck region over the thyroid, as shown

in the next slide, were not considered to have added any significant dose to
the thyroid gland because of the low energies of the beta activity.



Annual examinations had always included careful thyroid examinations

Select target paragraph3