illnesses or degenerative diseases than seen in the unexposed populations

During the 14 years since exposure fifteen deaths among the 8&2

exposed people of Rongelap have occurred. This death rate was somewhat greater
in the exposed people but in no case was there definite relation of cause of

death with radiation exposure.
a greater number

It should be mentioned that there have been

of older people in the exposed group.

No leukemia has been seen.

The occurence of three cases of cancer

in the exposed group(one of the thyroid gland) presents a higher incidence
in this exposed group but due to the small numbers of people involved, final
decision on this point must await the results of future observations.
Based on birth rates, fertility has been about equal in the exposed

group as compared with the unexposed population.

However about twice the

number of miscarriages and stillbirths cccurred in the exposed women during
the first four years after exposure.

Fetal abnormalities do not appear to

have been more numerous in the exposed group.

No specific genetic studies

have been carried out.
A low level of persisting chromosomal aberrations, of the type
induced by radiation, have been noted as late as ten years postexposure
in the Rongelap people.

Frequent slit-lamp observations have revealed no opacities of
the lens characteristic of radiation exposure.

Evidence for premature aging or shortened life span in the
=xposed population compared with the unexposed population have not been
apparent as a result of studies quantifying a number of recognized aging

Select target paragraph3