


casual about their international obligations and will disregard them whenever
they are inconvenient,

It is not unusual to find both of these views being held

by the same person,
Neither of them finds much support in practice,

Those who believe that a

treaty is the answer to everything overlook the dreary wasteland of ineffective
agreements that have been drafted in disregard of the limits to the loads which
the treaty mechanism can bear.

Those who make light of treaty commitments in

ceneral seem to ignore the fact that the vast majority of such engagements are

at considerable inconvenience to the parties,


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continuously, honestly, and regularly observed even


under adverse conditions and



Another common belief is that treaties cont iny.orcan be made to contain,
Single, definite answers to all questions of concrete application, and that
strains.on treaty observance are merely questions of moral behavior.


failures, in other words, are recarded as lapses in virtue, and it is assumed
that the way to avoid them is to strengthen the moral fiber of nations.
It would be foolish to deny that over the years there have been plenty of
cases of deliberate bad faith in the non-execution of treaties,
international law have been sighing about it for centuries.

The writers on

Yet it is not help-

ful just to charge off to the fickleness of sovereigns the many treaty failures

that have occurred, and stop there.

Most of the time there are quite under-

standable reasons why treaties fail to work out as expected, and in numerous
cases it would be difficult if not impossible to place moral responsibility for
such failure.
A good many notorious cases of treaty violation have been concerned with
treaties of peace imposed on vanquished nations after a war.

Where such treaties

place onerous conditions on the losers, as they almost always do, it can be
safely predicted that they will be faithfully carried out only so long as the
victors have both the power and the inclination to enforce them.

Where these

grow weak and observance slackens off, the erstwhile victors will certainly ery

Select target paragraph3