
fear that onets country might suddenly be attacked in the midst of apparently
profound peace has often been voiced, but, at least in the last century and a
half, it has never been realized, As advancing technology makes war more horrible,
it also makes the decision to resort to it more dependent on an elaborate
psychological preparation,

In international politics today few things are more

certain than that an attack must have an antecedent dispute of obviously grave


Even those statesmen who remain blind to the most blatant warnings

will understand the significance of those warnings once the attack oceurs,°©
Especially today, when there are onl: tio or three powers of the first rank, the
identity of the major rival is unambiguous,

In fact, as Professor Jacob Viner

has pointed out, it is the lack of ambiguity concerning.the major rival which

makes the bi-polar power system so dangerous.



There is happily little disposition to neLioveatsieatomic bomb by its
mere existence and by the horror implicit in it "makes war impossible,"

In the

sense that war is something not to be endured if any reasonable alternative remains,
it has long been "impossible."

But for that very reason we cannot hope that

the bomb makes war impossible in the narrower sense of the word,

Even without

it the conditions of modern war should have been a sufficient deterrent but
proved not to be such,

If the atomic bomb can be used without fear of substantial

retaliation in kind, it vill Clearly encourage aggression,

So much the more

reason, therefore, to take all possible steps to assure that multilateral
possession of the bomb, should that prove inevitable, be attended by arrangements
to make as nearly certain as possible that the aggressor who uses the bomb will

26. It is possible, of course, that a state which has resolved to fight as a
result of a political crisis may for tactical reasons await the partical
Cissipation of the crisis tension, perhaps furthering the process by a deceptive
acquiescence or surrender; but oven if this were likely—-which it is not-—-the

identity of the attacker would still be Inowm,


Select target paragraph3