

added that the ‘only form of defense that offers any security whatever" falls
far short, even without any consideration of rockets, of offering the already

qualified kind of security it formerly offered.

Superiority in numbers of bombs is not in itself a guarantee of strategic

Superiority in atomic bomb warfare.
Under the technical conditions apparently prevailing today,

and presumably

likely to continue for some time to come, the primary targets for the atomic
bomb will be cities,

One does not shoot rabbits with elephant guns, especially

if there are elephants available.

The critical mass conditions to which the

“bomb is inherently subject place the miminum of destructive energy of the
individual unit at far too high a level to warrant its use against any target
where enemy strength is not already densely concentrated.

Indeed, there is

little inducement to the attacker to seek any other kind of target,

If one side

can eliminate the cities of the other, it enjoys an advantage which is practically
tantamount to final victory, provided almaysits ovm cities are not similarly








The fact that the bomb is inevitably,.a weapon of indiscriminate destruction
will carry no weight in any war in which it is used.

Even in World War II, in

which the bombs used could to a large extent isolate industrial targets from

residential districts within an urban area, the distinctions imposed oy international law between "military" and "non-military" targets disintegrated


How large a city has to be to provide a suitable target for the atomic

256 This was due in part to deliberate intention, legally permitted on the Allied
Side under the principle of retaliation, and in part to a desire of the respective
belligerents to maximize the effectiveness of the air forces available to them,
"Precision bombing" was always a misnomer, though some selectivity of targets was
possible in good weather. However, such weather occurred in Europe considerably

less than half the time, and if the strategic air forces were not to be entirely

grounded during the remaining time they were obliged to resort to "area bombing,"
Radar, when used, was far from being a substitute for the human eye,

Select target paragraph3