-161the principle of voluntary collaboration among the greatest states, which is
implicit throughout the whole field of Security Council action, has been preserved.
As the special United Nations commission on atomic energy control begins to
operate, it will not find it useful to recommend principles for control which do
not take full account of the special position of the permanent members of the
Security Council within the Organization.

Indeed, there is slight probability

that it will do so; for the Commission contains only the representatives of those
powers with seats on the Council, plus a Canadtan.representative whenever that

power does not possess a Council scat.




“<< *

With the veto principle intact, it seoStetendetine for the Security Council,
or its alter ego, the special commission on atomic energy control, to exercise
the broad powers of regulation and supervision which the Charter already grants

The Council now has, and might delegate to the conmission, primary respon-

sibility for prescribing the conditions under which the production, possession,

or use of atomic energy is permitted.107
There is one use-of atomic bombs which is at this moment legal and which
the Council will not want to forbid.

This is its use as part of the enforcement

arrangements of the Security Council and its Military Staff Committee.

In the

unhappy event that Germany or Japan should again in our time attain military
power sufficient to make themselves major threats to the peace of the world, the
bombs might be used against them.

Given the present voting arrangements in the

Security Council, there are no other potential major aggressors against which the
Council might apply this terrible sanction.

There is another use of the bomb which its possessors ought not only to be
permitted but to be obligated to make of it.

This would be to retaliate imnedi-

ately against any power using the bomb which was not acting with the express
authorization of the Security Council.

Article 2, United Nations Charter.

Only retaliatory action which was not

Select target paragraph3