

There is still another count in the indictment against 2 program of nass

education for "world governnent right now."

It is frequently and falsely said

that at the very worst an attompt to establish world government immediately
could do no harm.

It can in fact do harn in two ways.

It can divert public

attention from the urgent necessity of discovering a lcss simple and less spcc-

tacular solution.

A slogan as attractive as“werld govornnent right now" can





easily become a mass anodyne, cxeclient for. soothing a disturbed public opinion

but unfortunately alse cffective in distracti



attention from the imperative

quest for another type of solution to the control problem,
The other danger to which the United States and the world nay be exposed
in the event that American public opinion is brought to believe in the urgent
necessity of world government right now is even nore sorious.

Tf frustrated in

their efforts to achicve world government by voluntary agreement, many would
come to believe that forcible unification is better than no unification.


would advocate the alternative route to world unity, vie imperial conquest,
Theywould proclain and believe that they were advocating war only because it
was made neccessary by the unfortunate umvillingness of the leaders of certain
states tc grasp the compelling necessity for a surrender of sovereignt wt


survival were the only human value and if the political wnification of the world
offered the only chance of survival, then a good case night be made out for the
reorganization of the world under Anerican hezenony.
only hurian valuc.

But survival is not the

In spitc of all talk in this country of the bomb as "a sacred

trust'!' which the Alinighty in His wisdom has seen fit to give first tc the United
States, no Amcrican really believes that denocratic values can be preserved
cither here or elsovhere in the world if the United States undertakes to unify
the world by using or threatening to use the bomb on any recalcitrant,

Evidence has already been cited to shew that the voluntary adherence of the


See Chapter IV, supra,

Select target paragraph3