


This, by the way, suggests that the possible consequences of atomic

warfare on the weaker countries need to be carefully explored.

A few tentative

remarks may help to indicate the importance of the problem for the military cal-

culations of this country and the Soviet Union.
The military situation of the lesser countries, at least if they possess no
atomic power of their om, will certainly continue to be unenviable.

If any of

them should become involved in a Soviet-American atomic war, the survival not
merely of their cities but of a major part of their population would come to depend on discussions of the two major belligerents which they could not hope to


If, for instance, the Soviet Union, with her easy access to. some of

these countries, decided to overrun them, they would become exposed to American
atomic bombardument,

Such occupation might appear to the Russians to offer mil-

itary advantages if, in expectation of a long struggle, they hoped to divert

some of our attacks to targets outside of their borders or believed they could
win control of undamaged productive facilities while their orm were being demm






In view of these dangers, the prevailingspinton appears to be that the
military position of lesser countries, precarious enough in the past, has now
become desperate,

Some go so far as to suggest that the weak countries of Europe

and Asia might as well save the money they are spending on obsolete non-atomic
weapons and, in case of a Soviet-American war, run for shelter by joining the

side which would have the best chance of overrumning them first.
would obviously be the Soviet Union.

This side

If this were the policy which we would

have to expect these countries to pursue, the cffects on our policy of determent
of Russia would depend on how much military benefit the Soviet Union would hope
to gain from the alignment with these weaker countries.
There are some reasons, however, why the weaker countries may discover their
prospects of keeping out of a war between the two giant powers, or of defending
themselves if attacked, more promising than before the atomic agc.

We have

Select target paragraph3