-7- \
basic policies of any of the top-level powers.

It is not so much the ingenuity

displayed in working out the details of a disarmament scheme that matters as the
way in which it accords with the prevailing balance in the relationships of the

There are many reasons for treaty failure not directly connected with the
subject of the treaty itself.

Most of these arise out of difficulties of

language and uncertainties of intention.

Treaties deal with future contingent

No matter how carefully they are drafted, there are always unforeseen

situations arising in which the meaning of the treaty is in doubt,


ing circumstances are constantly changing, and every new appearance of an old
situation has its degree of novelty,

The language“in which treaties are drafted


is the language of common use, made up of words zoften heavily laden with
ambiguity and possessing extensive twilight zones<e

murky meaning,


Grafters of treaties spend long and dreary days and nights trying to forecast
all possible contingencies, yet the ink is scarcely dry on the signatures when
new and troublesome situations begin to appear.
flict over classification.

Each novel case raises a con-

Statesman White is quite certain that it goes into

this verbal category while Statesman Black just as firmly insists that it goes
into that one.

The fact that each one's interpretation happens to accord with

the interests of his own country does not remove the fact that both honestly
believe they are right.

So far as the dictionaries show, they are.

This fact is familiar enough in the performance of compacts between individuals, but usually there are ample procedures for arriving at a settlement of
disputes in accordance with the commonly accepted values of the community.


the international society the procedures are rudimentary and normally cannot be
_ invoked unless both parties, including the one which would gain more by having
no decision, consent to the process,

Furthermore, the body of universally


accepted notions as to what justice requires in the performance of treaties is
painfully small.

Select target paragraph3