410332 BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 17, 198¢ TO: Huga Pratt FROM: =. T. Lessard ENC SJBJECT: Chronic Dosimetry We have enclosed a rece- ly assemble< draft of "Reconstruction of Chronic Dosimetry for We. sents of Rc zelap and Veirik Atolls" for your consideration. Tx nformatior in this resort makes use [ of data collected by yours«<'s and member’ of your medical team, Your comments would be grea:_y appreciated. NN During the next few we2ks, rembers c* the MIRSP team will be travelling tc: the Marshall Islancs, and to Seattle, Washington to the #nnual Yealth Physics Society Meeting. Thus, your timely review will afford is the opportunity tc incorpor?te changes in the final drafc. Thank vou in a.sance for ary suggestions you take. ETL: js* Encl: cc N. A. “reenhouse R. P. Miltenberger BEST COPY AVAILABLE ee UeK AMPS, a ee i f a at rd - 7 :