Ruth Van Cleve (DOT)
The August trip to Micronesia and the DOI discussions with the
It was a "first" in many
people were extremely important.
the party included Under Secretary Joseph
respects, e.g.,
They heard the full catalog of 30 years of complaints
These commitments
and as a result made many commitments.

have led to new homes, school, and community facilities on
Kili Island with plans to build a dock in early 1979.

List of Commitments referenced in I. above).

Adrian Winkel



The meetings with the Bikinians prior to the move were
difficult but laid the groundwork for the successful move

in late August.

High credit was given to the DOI/%TPI

public relations staff for ending with a positive press
and media reporting stance.
Over +O news and TV representatives including many foreipgn countries covered the

Bikini move.

$1.2 million has been spent on the rehabilitation program
for the Bikinians so far at Kili Island.
The Kili Council

(Resident Bikinians)




location preference as (1) Bikini or Eneu and (2) Hawaiian
Islands (National Park land on the Island of Hawaii).

Ruth Van Cleve


The return of the Bikinians to Fneu still remains a question
to be resolved when additional data becomes available from
A location in Hawaii is a potential solution.
Ambassador Rosenblatt


of Micronesian Negotiations:

The negotiations began in 1969 and fell flat in 1976 wntil the
Carter Administration reviewed the activity.
Carter wants to terminate the negotiations by January 1981

prior to the termination of the Trust Agreement.

Presently, we have three separate governmental bodies to

deal with:
(1) Palau, (2) Yap, Truk, Ponape and Saipan,
and (3) the Marshall Islands.
As these negotiations are
progressing, the U.
will establish three bilateral arrange-

ments and end up with an association with three constitu-

tional governments.

Hopefully, all will be defined by the



same term "free association" which is unique but recognized

Select target paragraph3