In response to a question from DOT, it was stated that
DOE will be able to distinguish which atoll islands would

be habitable within a few weeks after the aerial portion
of the survey has been concluded.
This time frame is
early January 1979.
The final dose assessment report
will require nearly 2 years to complete.
The Eneu garden
plot is a separate program under LLL and the data analysis
and assessment results are expected in early January 1979.

Need for Expanded Health and Environmental Monitoring
(DOE and DOI):

Robert Conard,M.D... Brookhaven National Lab
The historical background of 25 years of medical rollowup aid
surveillance was reviewed ending with the recommencation
that the Bikini and Enewetak people should have a ccnti:ued

medical followup program with an annual medical examination.

These people consider the discovery of any disease or medical
problem as being radiation causeu regardless of the level
of exposure.
Dr. H. Pratt related that the exposure level
of the Bikini and Enewetak people is no higher than that

received by the people in India who live in the Monazite
Sand areas.

The general question is who should conduct the medical programs.
The report titled "The Radiological Status of the
Bikini People"
<A Summary Report, prepared by Dr. Conard,
is enclosed.

Joe Deal

The whole body counting program is essential and will be


The exposed Bikini and Fnewetak groups will be

We are planning to measure (whole body count)

the Bikinians as soon as the logistics can be worked out,

hopefully prior to January 1, 1979.

T. Mitchell, Micronesian Legal Counsel
Fnewetak people must be included in the program.
depend on DOE to advise us on what is required.

We will

Status Report on Bikini Situation and What Must be Done in

the Immediate Future (DOL:

WS oo oc3::

Select target paragraph3