Jonathan M. Weisgall
December 21, 1978

Page 2°

include periodic examinations of the people at their
places.of residence and periodic survey of the nase
logical. conditions--in the environment with emphasis
upon ‘the’ foodweb..” Adequate laboratory and analytical *—‘essential and appropriate experimentation
with-radionuclide,uptake-by important food plants
should be:conducted on a continuing basis. All of the:
data: based. upon:the surveys and the experiments must be
2 related:,toithat.previously gathered .and. periodically
“." reassessed.

“gitiecansatsgelgrese’ and hospitalization indicated

by the! periodic'medical examinations must be provided.

Preventative radiological health measures would include

both education about radiation in general and ways to
. minimize:‘potential:‘adverse - effects.
he EY ne i, ected



Those ‘scientific and ‘medical personnel involved in

the program should always ba conversant with the latest

developments in the growing body of knowledge of the

biomedical and environmental aspects of radiation,


that the program can be modified and improved continually.

it seems to me that overall policy di-

rection of the program must include representatives of
the people affected and at least some respected au-

thorities outside the govermment agencies which may be
charged with carrying out the work of the| Program
When I spoke recently with Ambassador Rosenblatt

on this-subject, in general terms, he said that he was

awaiting a proposal from you to meet a similiar need,
whether for the People of Bikini as such or on behalf

of the.Marshall Island Political Status Commission, I.
am not certain.
I told him I thought the government

should develop such a plan.
It seems to me that there
are people in or funded by the Department of Energy who
can best design a plan for such a program and you will

see from this enclosed copy of my letters to Ambassador

Rosenblatt and Senator Kabua, that I think the United
States Government should be responsible for providing
the necessary financial support, outside the context of

financial support of the future government of the
Marshall Islands.


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