Central Office

oe Fs

December 21,


Jonathan M. Weisgall

Covington & Burling

888 Sixteenth Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C.


Dear Jonathan:
I write to you in your capacity as

attomey for

the People of Bikini; my subject is the need of a Long
term radiological health program for the People of

Enewetak, the People of Rongelap, and the People of
Utirik, all of whom we represent, a need which I be-

lieve your clients share with mine.

I would like to meet with you within the next

several months to discuss whether we can coordinate our
separate efforts to mutual benefit.
I will be on

Saipan the first three weeks of January.
If the next
round of status talks are here and you will be participating, we could do it then.


I expect to

be in Washington the latter half of February.
anticipation of more detailed conversations with you,
let me outline very briefly what I have in mind.

An appropriate radlological program for all of
these islands is a fairly complicated and costly busi-

ness and for it to be of real benefit it will almost

certainly have to continue forever, although its exact
content will vary over time.
Its major elements should

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