


to date as reports came in and an iso—intensity line of 0,1 r per day
in the lagoon watéi“was also plotted on this chart,
The surface and air radexes were plotted daily from weather data
obtained from Aerology, Utilizing a vector analysis of the wind
velocities, fall-out patterns for the surface, 15,000, 20,000, 25,000
and 30,000 feet were determined,

These patterns were plotted on charts

with a superimposed polar gria. From the fall-out patterns, the surface
radex, given as two bearings from zero point, and also recommendations
as to the direction of the third pass for each drone plane mother were


Definite criteria were used to determine whether or not the day

was operational from a radiolovical safety viewpoint.

If the fall-out

from 45,000 feet or below, did not extend between 90°T or 170°T fron
zero point, the day was considered operational, If the fall-out from

45,000 feet fell on the bearing of Eniwetok-Parry islands (150°-160°)

the day was considered questionable with moderate hazard,

If the fall-

out from 35,000 feet or below fell on these islands, the day was con-

sidered non-operational,

Three days preceding the test a forecast for a test day was made,

and on the day before the test day the latest weather forecast was


data was prepared for the briefing.


presented at 1800, Actual wind data was plotted at intervals from this
time to 0300 at which time the last baleon sounding was made and the


A-RAY Plus Two — YORE Test

Considerable radioactivity was found on the islands west of the
test island, indicating extensive fall-out. Evidences of fall-out
elsewhere were slight. A consolidated report was prepared and all the
evidences of fall-out noted during the days following the test.

On X-RAY-plus 5, Commander Task Group 7.6 sent a report to Conmander

Joint Task Force 7 stating that the survey of all the perimeter islands
had been completed, and recommended that long term closure of the islands
from Yeirl westward to the southwest passage inclusive be instituted
because of the radioactivity discovered along the beaches and the evidences
of fall-out. The temporary clearance of the other islands and ‘of the™
lagoon beaches on these islands for swimming was recommended,
Dust collectors had been set up on each of the principal ships of
the Task Force, and were examined daily, together with a careful check
of the evaporators,

Several surveys were made on the test island and the gradual re~
treat of the iso-ihtensity lines was plotted in Radop.




Select target paragraph3