ANNEX_E UNCLASSIFIED PERSONNEL, Monitors are assigned to survey work as follows 2 Monitors Eniwetok Island (Sce para. IIB 6). 1 Ujelang Island 1 (See Para, III L). le " To Survey Zero Island 4 To Survey Islands adjacent to Zero +sland, " OPERATION Two groups of two Monitors each will Monitor Biljiri, Rojoa and Runit islands and other lslands adjacent to Zero Island. ‘tach group will carry radio equipment, Four Groups of these monitors each will monitor Zero Island. All buildings and other construction on the island, including special AEC construction, wil] be marked to assist in orientations and preparations of radio messages to Radops. "Yhere construction and other terrain features do not perrit adequate orientations a system of marked stakes will be installed. All monitoring. groups will be issued appropriate maps for the accomplishment of their mission and will have adequate facilities for radio communication. v MONTTOR REQUIREMENTS FOR XRAY 2 DAY AND LATER, Ae Monitor requirements for service tests not under Joint Task Group-7.6. 1. Bu Y and D to expose structions and instruments, | 2. OCE to expose structures, instruments, and certain.equipnent, taking! photographs botM before taking photographs of structures both before and after explosion. "After" photographs to be taken from xray plus 2 to xray plus 10. One monitor per day. -and after oxplosion, "ifter" photcgraphs to be taken from xray plus 2 to xray plus 13. One monitor per day, 3. Be Additional monitors to be frrnished if required. Monitor Requirements for Service Tests underJTG~-7.6. 1. JTG+7.6 to collect film badges, neutron detectors, etc., from xray plus 2 to xray plus 8, Three monitors per day. 2. JTG=7.6 to collect cascade impactors and collec= tive protectors on xray plus 2, xray plus 3, and xray plus 13. One monitor per day. ~8- — 50014916 UNCLASSIFIED mae