
ERDA's preliminary report had a table indicating that

men and women would be spending 20 to 15% of time,
respectively, in the interior of the island. Question
was raised whether this time frame had been predicated
on current period or situation when the coconut groves

would be in full production.

Reply: Nat Greenhouse of Brookhaven National Laboratory
stated that these time estimates were based on projections of when coconut trees would be fully bearing.

Mr. Allen inquired as to relationship between thyroid
abnormalities in Rongelapese individuals and possible
beta-gamma residual radiation on Rongelap Island.

Reply: Dr. Conard stated that it was believed that all
thyroid cases were result of fallout experienced by the
individual. The Rongelapese exposed to fallout received
an internal dose to the thyroid gland from radioactive
isotopes of iodine.

Mr. Allen indicated that there were indications of
poison fish in the Bikini Lagoon although this was not
necessarily related to the atomic testing program.
He wondered though, what affect any restriction on local
fish might have on the diet component of the people of
Bikini on their return.

Reply: Mr. Roger Ray noted that the University of Hawaii was
conducting research on the general problem of fish
poisoning. Presently, short of testing each fish with

a “mongoose” tester, scientists have not come up with
adequate answers.


Distad DeBrum pointed out that it is usuallythe Red
Snapper which falls into the dangerous category.
Pattern is found throughout the Marshalls. Problem
though is that there is no consistent pattern, i.e., at
one time of year, Red Snapper may be poisonous, not
another time, etc.


Prospective Aerial Survey
Mr. Joe Deal, ERDA, presented a brief synopsis of legacies
of nuclear testing in the Pacific. The problems from Pacific
weapons testing, the fallout and fallout pattern, and the
need for an aerial radiological survey were described.

Summary in chart form is appended as Appendix "C."

Mr. George Allen, MLSC, raised a number of questions.


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