~21.to recap the ERDA June Radiological Survey results
’ and recommendations;



to discuss reactions of the people of Bikini; and
to discuss future actions with respect to the Bikini
Resettlement Program.

Recap of ERDA June Radiological Survey Conclusions and


Tommy McCraw, ERDA, presented a recap of ERDA's conclu-~
sions and recommendations based on the June Radiological

Summary of the Survey, Conclusions and Recommendations
attached as Appendix ''A."
Environmental Surveillance

Dr. Robert A. Conard presented a review of personnel
monitoring done on Bikini Island to date. Full text of
his remarks attached as Appendix "'B."
Mr. George M. Allen, Micronesian Legal Services Corporation,
representing the people of Bikini, raised a number of

Inquiry on how many times the gamma spectographic
analysis utilizing the lead counter had been done.

Reply: Dr. Conard indicated this analysis had been carried
out once to date on the small group of people living on

Bikini Island, in April 1974.


Inquiry as to whether radiation levels of people were
expécted to go up after return to Bikini as had been
the case for the Rongelapese after their return to


Reply: Dr. Conard indicated that although there may be a
slight increase in body burdens after return to Bikini
Island this would not be comparable to case of the
Rongelapese. The Rongelapese had intake of locally
grown foods at once after return whereas the residents
. Of Bikini Island would not be eating local foods since
they would not be available.

Select target paragraph3