* 401 B00 Officer in Chere Marine Inspection P. O. Box 3160 Bonolulu, HI 96802 Phone: 546-5564 ‘ 16710 17 April 1979 Mr. C. EE. Otterman Owner, LIKTANUR II €66 Prospect Penthouse 1 Honolulu, HI 96813 Dear Mr. Otterman: With reference to your letter of 13-April 1979, I find the LIKTANUR II, O.N. 572028, an oceanographic research vessel as defined in Section 441 of Title 46 United States Code. Amn oceanographic research vessel is not considered a "passenger vessel", a “vessel carrying passengers",: :0T° a "passenger carrying vessel" under the provisions of the U.S. merchant vessel inspection and manning laws. Additionally, an oceanographic research vessel shall not be deemed to be engaged in trade or commerce. However, all other regulations remain applicable. You are reminded that my determination is predicated upon the assurance that the LIKTANUR II is being employed exclusively fn instruction in oceanography or linmology, research. or both, or exclusively in oceanographic If your vessel, at any time, engages in any trade or commerce, it wilil no longer be considered an oceanographic research vessel and will be subject to the applicable provisions of lawe and regulations governing such activities. 2 If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, BEST COPYAVAILABLE “aT Dee, Commander,U.S. Coast Guard Officer in Charge Marine Inspection